Aluminum Corrugated Roofing Sheet Price

Aluminum roofing sheet refers to a type of roofing material made primarily from aluminum,also called aluminium corrugated sheet,it is a lightweight and corrosion-resistant material, commonly used for residential, commercial, and industrial roofing applications due to its numerous advantages over other roofing materials.

Our aluminum roofing sheet is available in a variety of regular sizes,the models include: 750, 840, 845, 850, 900.

750 aluminum roofing corrugated sheet

Model : 750

Aluminum Alloy : 1060

Thickness(mm) : 0.5-12

Height(mm) : 35

Effect Width(mm) : 750

Expand Width(mm) : 1000

840 aluminum roofing corrugated sheet

Model : 840

Aluminum alloy : 1060

Thickness(mm) : 0.5-12

Height(mm) : 25

Effect Width(mm) : 840

Expand Width(mm) : 1000

845 aluminum roofing corrugated sheet

Model : 845

Aluminum alloy : 1060

Thickness(mm) : 0.5-12

Height(mm) : 13

Effect Width(mm) : 845

Expand Width(mm) : 1000

850 aluminum roofing corrugated sheet

Model : 850

Aluminum alloy : 1060

Thickness(mm) : 0.5-12

Height(mm) : 18

Effect Width(mm) : 850

Expand Width(mm) : 1000

900 aluminum roofing corrugated sheet

Model : 900

Aluminum alloy : 1060

Thickness(mm) : 0.5-12

Height(mm) : 15

Effect Width(mm) : 900

Expand Width(mm) : 1000

Our price of aluminum roofing sheets can depend on several factors. Some of the key factors influencing the price of aluminum roofing sheets include:

Raw material costs: The cost of aluminum, which is the primary material used in manufacturing roofing sheets, plays a significant role in determining the final price. Fluctuations in the global aluminum market can directly impact the cost of raw materials for roofing sheet manufacturers.

Raw material costs: The cost of aluminum, which is the primary material used in manufacturing roofing sheets, plays a significant role in determining the final price. Fluctuations in the global aluminum market can directly impact the cost of raw materials for roofing sheet manufacturers.

Manufacturing and production costs: The expenses involved in the production process, such as labor, energy, and equipment, contribute to the overall price of aluminum roofing sheets.So the rise and fall of labor costs, raw material costs, etc.will affect the price of roofing aluminum sheet price.

Size and dimensions: The size and dimensions of the aluminum roofing sheets, such as length, width, and thickness, can influence the price. Larger or custom-sized sheets cost more than standard sizes.

Package: Our packaging is in strong export packaging, the size of the product is different, the packaging size also changes accordingly, and the packaging can also be customized according to your needs, which will affect the final price of roofing aluminum.

Economic factors: General economic conditions, inflation rates, and currency fluctuations can impact the overall cost structure of aluminum roofing sheets.

aluminum roofing corrugated sheets

How to choose aluminium corrugated sheet

How to choose a suitable and reasonably priced corrugated aluminum plate, there are the following points for reference:

Purpose and application: Determine the purpose of the aluminum corrugated sheet. Are you using it for roofing, siding, cladding, or any other specific application? Different applications may require varying thicknesses, coatings, and finishes.These all affect the price of roofing aluminum and determine your cost.

Thickness: The thickness of the aluminum corrugated sheet will impact its strength and durability. Thicker sheets generally offer better resistance to bending and impacts, but they can be more expensive. Consider the structural requirements and load-bearing capacity for your application.

Coating and finish: Aluminum corrugated sheets can be coated or finished with protective layers such as paint, PVDF, or PVC. These coatings enhance the sheet’s resistance to weathering, corrosion, and UV radiation. Choose a coating that suits your specific environmental conditions and aesthetic preferences.

Profile and design: Aluminum corrugated sheets come in various profiles, with different shapes and sizes of the corrugations. The choice of profile can affect the sheet’s strength and aesthetics. Consider the appearance you want to achieve and how it will complement the overall design of your project.

Budget: Set a budget for your project and find an aluminum corrugated sheet that meets your requirements without exceeding your budget.

Supplier reputation: Purchase aluminum corrugated sheets from reputable suppliers with a track record of providing quality products and good customer service.

Consultation: If you’re unsure about the best choice for your project, consider consulting with a roofing or construction expert who can provide personalized recommendations based on your needs and local conditions.

Aluminum Corrugated Roofing Sheet Price
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